Ad-Hoc queries

You can see the existing Ad-Hoc queries here.

Ad-Hoc Queries are a very effective mechanism to quickly gather information related to migration and asylum issues from the national contact points of the European Migration Network.

In this web-site you may find all Ad-Hoc Queries that have been launched by other National Contact Points of the European Migration Network. Ad-Hoc Queries are updated in a monthly basis. 

Guide lines of launching an Ad-Hoc Query

In order for someone to launch an Ad-Hoc Query, the following specifications must be followed. In particular: 

  1. A brief note is needed to introduce the state of play in Greece for the specific issue, as well as the reasoning for launching the Ad-Hoc Query 
  2. The competent authority launching the Ad-Hoc Query, should submit the questions in English, in order to avoid misunderstandings. Finally, a relative deadline must be defined, not exceeding 40 days.
  3. The contribution of Greece must also be included. In case of no information available, the competent authority must fill in the phrase “Data not available”

For your info, please find attached a template “vade mecum” of an ad hoc query.